Learning Press!
Dynamic Learning Press is a publishing company under the umbrella of Dynamic Learning Connection. Dynamic Learning Press' books use literature as a vehicle for encouraging conversations about challenging life topics that many kids (and adults) will face throughout their lifetime. Many of the books conclude with a page discussing how to help an individual become an overcomer related to the topic at hand.

A Note from the Author...
My name is Ashley Mangione, and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am the founder of the award winning company Dynamic Learning Connection focused on improving reading skills and executive functioning skills. I strongly believe in helping clients reach their full potential in school, work, and their personal life.
As an educator for over 30 years, I always dreamed of being a children's book author. I launched Dynamic Learning Press a publishing company using literature as a vehicle for encouraging conversations about challenging life topics that many kids (and adults) will face throughout their lifetime. My wish, through the literature that I write, is that my voice will be a vehicle to begin conversations with those who cannot always find the words to start it by themselves. Many of the books I write include a suggestion page on how to help an individual become an overcomer related to the topic at hand.
I hope to continue using literature as a springboard to launch change through finding personal significance and gratitude for the contributions we can all make to help ourselves and others. I hope you will support my dream of sharing the Dynamic Learning Press Children’s books with many children, families, and schools.
Ashley Mangione

All the books conclude with a page discussing how to help a child be an overcomer related to the topic at hand.
Visit www.dynamiclearningpress.com to learn more.

Lizzy In a Tizzy
Lizzy is a young girl who struggles in school due to focus and attention deficiencies which negatively impacts her confidence and feelings toward school. A new teacher comes into her life who encourages Lizzy’s talents and helps her understand that we all have differences and are unique. The book concludes with Lizzy grasping the value of herself and others while she explains that we all have a role to play in encouraging and accepting our differences.
Suggestions for how to help a child with focus concerns are listed in the back of the book.

The Boat
...a story of friendship...
The Boat is a story written for all ages about what it means to be and have a genuine friend. Our personal boat is a metaphorical reference to ourselves and who we allow to ride along on our life’s journey. The story also examines our role when we are in someone else’s boat and how we can and should share the gift of authentic and loving friendship with others. The Boat can be used to start conversations about the importance of real friends as well as to be given as a gift of gratitude and encouragement for those riding in our boat.
Suggestions for what makes a good friend are included at the end of the book.

The Voice in My Head
This story is about facing challenges of many kinds that occur throughout our life and how important it is to counterattack the negative voice that tends to pop in our head when we encounter struggles. The chant throughout the story is repetitive stating that we should tell ourselves positive thoughts and be kind to ourselves especially when we meet obstacles so that we can become overcomers no matter how old we are. The chant has musicality and could be a jingle or a rap.

Eddie’s New Skills
...a guide to strengthening executive functioning skills...
Eddie is a student who desires to do well in school and function with less stress in his life but is often misunderstood by those around him because he lacks the executive functioning skills needed to be more productive. This story takes you on a journey as each executive functioning skill is introduced into Eddie’s life to help him feel calmer and more successful. The executive functioning skills are listed throughout the book as well as helpful tips to implement them into a student’s (or adult’s) life to make the days easier and more peaceful. Many people are unfamiliar with the term “executive functioning skill” and are unaware of the necessity of possessing them. Strong executive functioning skills are crucial for all ages to bring greater achievement and peace in our lives. This story seeks to teach the importance of each skill and how the skills can benefit us all.

When Grandpa Forgot My Name
This story is about a child facing the loss of a grandparent through the unfortunate disease of dementia. It is written in a gentle and sensitive lyrical fashion to acknowledge the pain of loss of watching a grandparent or other person through the long goodbye, a short illness, or any other loss. The message is told through the eyes of a grandchild and is meant to be honest in acknowledging loss, but also one of encouragement as we are all forced to face the loss of those we care about throughout life. Hopefully, we can one day embrace the comfort of cherishing the memories of the loving relationship that we shared with those we loved. This story applies to anyone suffering through the pain of loss and is a reminder that no one can ever steal the memories that we cherish of those for which we love and care. The manuscript was written out of a desire to help a child and caregiver discuss a difficult and painful subject when one often does not have the words to discuss the feelings that accompany loss.
Suggestions for facing loss are included at the end of the story.

In the Mirror
Many of us look into a “mirror” daily and see a false image reflected of who we are and who we want to be. The pressure that we place on ourselves and on others to meet a standard of perfection can be too much for us all based on what we “see” in our personal mirror. This story is a narrative about learning to be comfortable in our own skin and to accept the beauty that we carry as individuals while we seek to share the gifts and talents that we all possess. Each of us deserves to have a clear and positive image of ourselves and others as we strive to be the best version of who we are created to be. This story is written to begin a conversation with students about the gift of our uniqueness and the importance that we all have. The message is intended to convey that we are valued as we are and to stay focused on reaching our own goals and dreams.

Philly Beans and Her Dog Named Jeans
This story is about a little girl named Jeans who loves and enjoys a close relationship with her pet dog, Jeans. Jeans grows older, becomes sick, and ultimately passes away. Philly Beans learns that the death of a pet is an unfortunate reality in life and causes a lot of pain, but that the memories made can be treasured forever.

Helen and Hazel
Helen and Hazel are twin sisters that are best friends although they have two different personalities. Helen is quiet and Hazel is...well, not quiet. The sweet story is about Helen learning to express herself more vocally and Hazel learning to be a better listener.
Suggestions for supporting better listening and talking skills are included in the book as a guide to greater communication.

Lenny Leo Who Didn’t Mean To
This story is about a young boy who is rambunctious, yet kind and often acts before thinking. This impulsivity causes him to make some funny and wild choices. He does not mean to harm himself through his actions, which brings frustration for himself and causes worry for those around him. He often does not understand how his actions can cause stress for himself and others because he is easily bored and just wants to have a good time! His mom reminds him that he is loved and special just as he is although she wants him to stay safe and make wise choices. This story is written for any child that struggles with impulsivity and feeling misunderstood or for the child who just wants to laugh more!
Notes for helping a child with impulsive tendencies are listed at the end of the story.
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