Dynamic Learning Press (DLP) is a publishing company in partnership with Dynamic Learning Connection and Dynamic Learning Compassion.
The literature Dynamic Learning Press publishes is used as a vehicle to start conversations between children and trusted adults about issues that matter and can be challenging to discuss.
Dynamic Learning Press' books include suggestions to help guide caretakers and educators with helpful dialogue to affirm discussions as they peek into the mind of a reader.
Our Mission:
Engage in conversations about challenging topics that many will face kids (and adults) will face through their lifetime
Our Vision:
Promote literature with meaningful and targeted messages to help children.
Crafting stories that ignite young imaginations while fostering a lifelong love of reading.
Stories written with a purpose in mind.
Using literature to capture the wonder of childhood.
Giving voice to characters who face challenges, grow, and discover the world around them.
Spark curiosity and conversation, helping children explore emotions, friendships, resilience, and the magic in everyday life.